Yandex Uslugi
Yandex.Uslugi is a service for solving everyday tasks. Like other Yandex products, it is simple and reliable. Aggregators that gather professionals in one place already exist on the market, but the strategy of Yandex.Uslugi is different: it is a service about support and accountability for what has been done.
As part of the rebranding, we had to prepare a product commercial. The video portrays the brand as a kind helpmate who solves various household tasks.
It was interesting to find an image that would form the basis of the concept and reflect the positioning of the service. It is not very difficult, let’s see a builder, for example their attributes are a helmet, a hammer and other recognisable tools.
In this case, we were looking for a universal solution for all services and professions at once, and we found it in the handshake between people.
In any work, even intellectual, we use our hands in one way or another: We seal deals through a handshake, we hold tools and interact with the world in general. Thus, Yandex.Uslugi basically becomes the digital hands of its clients.
The hands — the central metaphor of the aggregator’s services — are designed in an abstract style and coloured to match the company’s palette.
In the realistic home environment, these CG hands tenderly tackle our everyday chores: helping to fix a tap and a washing machine, cleaning the windows and moving something very heavy.